Can anyone wear a head wrap?

The short and sweet answer is: yes. The practice of head wrapping goes by many names and is observed amongst many different people groups for many different reasons. This short article will cover only two of the many instances of head wrapping. While the women who participate in head wrapping vary as vastly as the reasons they head wrap, the bottom line is that there is no specific list of requirements that makes one eligible or ineligible to don a head wrap. Its a beautiful garment that would fit nicely in the repertoire of any woman.

AFRICA Many women (and men for that matter) across Africa and amongst the African diaspora observe the practice of head wrapping. Utilizing fabric, whether solid or printed, it is wrapped around the head with beautiful knotting and tucking to adorn the crown of the head. For optimal wear, the colors of the wrap can be coordinated with the chosen outfit and/or chosen to complement the complexion. In addition to being an adornment for the head, it is also can double as a protective style to shield the hair from unnecessary wear and tear and maintain optimal moisture levels.

CHRISTIAN HEAD COVERING In the Bible there is a passage in the New Testament that reviews the principle of role and authority differences between husbands and wives. The passage references the ancient cultural practice of Christian women head covering while praying or prophesying to represent the God-given structure of hierarchy and authority between Jesus Christ, husbands, and wives.

Consider starting your head wrap journey with some items from our collection as seen below. Or visit our Head Wraps page to see the latest additions to our collection.


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